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  • MLHS

WLS & MLC Student to lead Chapel next week

We have been blessed to have quite a number of our alumni continue their studies at Martin Luther College, our WELS college of ministry. Currently we have two young men studying at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary and twenty-seven alumni at Martin Luther College preparing to be pastors, teachers, and staff ministers.

Next week we will have the privilege of these students sharing God’s Word with us in our chapel services. Our chapel schedule next week includes:

  • Monday: Jacob Ungemach (Middler at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary)

  • Tuesday: Noah Bruckschen (Middler at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary)

  • Wednesday: Normal homeroom chapel

  • Thursday: Noah Melso (Senior in the Pastor Track at Martin Luther College); Music by MLHS Alum at MLC

  • Friday: Sam Eickhoff (Junior in the Pastor Track at Martin Luther College); Music by MLHS Alum at MLC


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