Winter Sports Clothing
Winter sports clothing store is open from Monday, November 4 through Friday, November 8. All orders will be shipped to MLHS.
CLICK HERE to order Basketball, Wrestling, or Dance apparel!

Fall Play 'You Can't Take It With You' to Premier!
Join us for the MLHS Drama production of You Can't Take It With You.
Adults - $8
Students - $5

Friday, November 8 - 7PM
Saturday, November 9 - 7PM
Sunday, November 10 - 2PM
Cleaning Help Needed
MLHS has decided to engage our Lancer Family to assist with the final cleaning of the new addition. This will save $10,000 by doing it ourselves!
This final cleaning will take place November 2nd-November 8th. CLICK HERE to see all the details and sign up for the times that you can join in the fun. Be part of a group with the same goal of helping MLHS FINISH STRONG! Thank you in advance for your time, service and savings!!! SPREAD THE WORD!

Fall Food Drive Happening NOW
Starting This week, and running from Nov 4-18, students are encouraged to bring food donations to their homerooms. If you, as the general public are interested in donating, we will be accepting items in the main office during this same timeframe.
On November 20, our Shining Through Christ group will be delivering the donated items to Hope House of Manitowoc County!

Choral Fest Information
The 2024 WELS West Regional Choral Fest is being held this fall at St. Croix Lutheran Academy in West St. Paul, MN. The Pops concert is Friday, November 15 at 7pm and the Sacred concert is is on Sunday, November 17 at 2pm. Both will be available to view via Livestream.
To view either the Pops or Sacred concert CLICK HERE;

Our #1 MLHS Lancers (35-7) play the #4 Wabeno/Laona Rebels (36-8) this Thursday, November 7 at 11:30am at the Resch Center in Green Bay.
To support our ladies we are planning a team sendoff at 7:45am from MLHS, this will include the MLHS Pep band and any fans who wish them God’s blessings and good luck as they hit the road!
Tickets to the event are $12
All seating is general admission.
We are currently competing in the ‘RUSH TO THE RESCH’, where we can win $1,000 for our school for selling the most PRESALE TICKETS that any other team in our division. Deadline for presale purchase is THURSDAY at 9am.
Purchase code: S4GTEAM1
CLICK HERE to purchase tickets or click the link below.
If you do not purchase presale tickets, you may still purchase them the day of the event at the gate.
Parking at the Resch Center is $8 Car/ $15 Bus upon arrival
We will be offering fan busses to go to the game FREE of charge to any students, parents, Lancer fans, ANYONE who would like to come and cheer on the girls at no cost for the bus. There will be two departure times to choose from, 9:30am & 10am. Students please sign up for the 9:30am timeslot. All busses will be returning to MLHS following the conclusion of the game.
Players, Pep Band, and Lancer Singers- DO NOT SIGN UP FOR A BUS TIME- you have already been accounted for.
CLICK HERE TO REGISTER FOR THE BUS, or click the link below into a web browser.
We hope to see Lancer Nation out in full force support our ladies!

Junior Lancer Wrestling Registration Open

MLHS Jr. Lancers Boys and Girls Wrestling Club, Grades K-8
Tuesdays and Thursdays | MLHS Wrestling Room | Jan. 7– March 30, 2024 | 5:00 – 6:30pm
Click HERE to register
The Lord wrestled with Jacob long ago, and He is a vital part of the Jr. Lancer Wrestling program today. In this Christian setting we seek His blessing as we learn and train, developing the skills He has given each boy to their full potential. Rise or fall, we always stand victorious, “connected in Christ.”
PURPOSE: Wrestling instruction at MLHS is geared to the age of the student. Beginning wrestlers are presented with basic foundation skills, and new skills are introduced each week as wrestlers progress. Emphasis is placed on step-by-step mastery of each move. Understanding all principles involved will make the wrestler successful in competition. Presentation of guidelines for proper conditioning, nutrition, and exercise is included. Jr. Lancer Wrestling maintains a balance between mat work, instruction, and FUN.
COST: There is no cost to be a Jr. Lancer wrestler. Participants pay only the registration fee to tournaments in which they participate (about $25 per tournament). However all parents are required to help at our youth tournament
WHAT TO BRING: Wrestling shoes, gym shorts, and a close fitting t-shirt. Head gear is not required but is a good safety tip. LOOSE clothing can be dangerous and will not be allowed. Participants are to come ready to wrestle, but wearing street shoes; wrestling shoes should be worn ONLY in the wrestling room.
QUESTIONS? Please contact Jeremy Sehloff at jeremy.sehloff@gmail.com
Night To Shine Registration Open
Learn more about our exciting Night to Shine event held here at MLHS on Friday, February 7, 2025. Please help us spread the word about this exciting event! More information in the coming days & weeks. Be sure to check out the latest Lancer Link featuring Night to Shine!
Click here to register or learn more!

Construction Update
Main Gym dedication service will take place on Sunday, January 12 at 2:00PM. This exciting event will be open to the public and expect many visitors. More info to come!


Fall Play - "You Can't Take It With You"
November 8 - Opening Night, 7 PM
November 9 - Saturday Evening Show, 7 PM
November 10 - Sunday Matinee, 2 PM
Adults $8
Students $5
Veterans breakfast and service - Tuesday, November 12
Breakfast - 8:30-9:30am
Veterans Service - 9:45-10:45am

Giving Tuesday - Tuesday, December 3
Funds raised this year will offset our General Budget, Tuition Assistance, Endowment, and to "Finish Strong"!
Christmas concert – Friday, December 20
Join us at the Capitol Civic Centre at either 4:30PM or 7:30PM for 'Come and
Worship', our annual sacred Christmas Concert.
Gym Dedication Service - Sunday, January 12 at 2:00PM
Grandparents & VIP Day - Monday, April 14

In this new section, information shared by the Federation congregations and Lakeshore Lutheran schools with MLHS regarding the happenings, job openings, upcoming events, news. etc. can now be found weekly all in one place! Right here in the Lancer Express.
To be featured, have questions, or have something to be included from your congregation coming up? Please email Paul Durkee (pdurkee@mlhslancers.org) in the Mission Advancement office for more information.
Jobs & Openings
Living Nativity
St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church
Howards Grove, WI
Continuing to share the GOOD NEWS !
This is our 22nd year! Come! Celebrate the birth of Jesus!
Friday, December 6th, Saturday, December 7th, Sunday, December 8th and runs every 20 minutes. Times for Friday and Saturday are 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm and the time for Sunday is 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm.
Visit the Alumni page of our website to get started with reunion planning, we are here to help in any way you need!