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The Lancer Express 10.16.23



October 16, 2023

MLHS Call Update

On Sunday (10/15) Mr. Nathan Gurgel, who teaches our business courses and freshman physical education, as well as our Student Council, Business Club, and Broadcasting Club

here at MLHS has received a call to serve in a similar capacity at Luther Prep. in Watertown, WI. Please keep Nathan in your prayers as he considers where to best serve.


Wisconsin Education Fair

On Thursday, October 19, all MLHS Juniors will be attending the Wisconsin Education Fair. Students will be excused from classes and will depart MLHS at 8:30am and travel to Lakeland University to attend the fair. This is a great opportunity for students to speak with potential technical colleges, four-year colleges, and universities.

Questions? Please email Mr. Ryan Hulse, Guidance Director.


Student Resource & Incentive Day

October 20 we will have our first Student Resource and Incentive Day (SRID). We will run an early release schedule, which our day ends at 12:34pm. Lunch will be provided for those that want to stay for lunch. Everyone is excused either at 12:34 or after lunch except for four reasons:

-The student is ineligible

-The student is failing a class

-The student has missing work

-The student is referred by a teacher to stay

In the case of missing work or a student being referred, the student may leave once their missing work is done or if the teacher who referred them is done working with them. They must be cleared by administration prior to leaving. The other students will stay until 3pm. More information will come to the individual students throughout the week.


NHS Hosts Basketball Skills Camp

The annual National Honor Society hosted K-4 basketball skills camp is scheduled for Sunday, October 29, 1-3 PM. The camp is being hosted a four locations, so choose which works best for you!

Immanuel- Manitowoc

St. John- Maribel

St. John's- Newtonburg

St. John/St. James- Reedsville

Register HERE by 10/23.


Fall Festival & Concert

This year’s Fall Festival and Concert will be Sunday October 22nd, 2023. Doors will open at 2pm, when the silent auction begins, and the concert will take place at 4pm and will showcase the talents of our 121 students that make the Fine Arts Department as wonderful as it is. This year the proceeds will go directly towards MLHS Students that are participating in the Fine Arts Trip to Nashville, TN in April. We hope to raise enough funds to help offset the cost of the trip and make it affordable for everyone.

Please consider donating an item or service to our Fall Festival Silent Auction. We are in need of baskets and/or goods and items to be auctioned off. Whether it’s a complete basket or something that can be combined with other items, every donation is needed and appreciated. This is a long-standing tradition of the Fall Festival and we hope to keep it going and make it the best year yet. Baskets and donations can be dropped off in the main office at Manitowoc Lutheran High School from October 12th through the 20th. Or contact Kris Buege at 714-539-1478 to arrange pick up and with any questions.

We are infinitely grateful of your support to MLHS and the Fine Arts Students. Every gift is valued and means so much to us.


Grandparents & VIP Day

Each year we have celebrated the grandparents of our students by opening the doors and welcoming them for the day, this year we are including other V.I.P. guests as well! Students are welcome to invite other important people in their life, ie. God-parents, great-aunt or uncle, and other special guests.

Sorry parents, other high school students, or friends of students, this day is not for you.

​Grandparents & V.I.P. Day is scheduled for Monday, October 23. Click here to learn more and/or to register!


Pastor Appreciation

On Wednesday, October 12 after chapel we said 'thank you' to the the two Pastors we are blessed to have serving us here at MLHS. We are incredibly grateful for everything they do around here. We put together a short video just saying 'thanks'.


Junior Lancer Basketball Registration OPEN

Registrations are now open for Junior Lancer Basketball. Registration closes Friday, October 27. Registration and information can be found HERE.


Night to Shine Registration OPEN!

Registration is NOW OPEN for Night to shine here at MLHS. Please help us spread the word that we are hosing Night to Shine here. Register by clicking HERE

Unfamiliar with this amazing event? Click here to learn more about Night to Shine.


Grade School Cross Country Meet

On Monday, October 9th, the 16th annual Grade School Cross Country meet was held at St. John's in Two Rivers.

A great big 'thank you' to the MLHS Cross Country Team & Coaches, Ryan Holper and staff at St. John's, who made the day possible!

We had 157 finishers from 15 teams, 75 girls and 82 boys.

Girls Team Champion was Zion Morrison with 30 points, followed by runner-up Trinity Kiel with 58 points.

The top 7th and 8th grade finishers were: Amaya O'Connell (individual champ 8:31), Hazel Fields, Adrien Barthel, Hope Muchka, and Madeline Laabs.

The top 6th and under finishers were: Ellie Gosa, Oriya Wieting, Anna Brazalle, Grace Utecht, and Emily Krueger.

Boys Team Champion was Bethany with 34 points, followed by runner-up Zion Morrison with 85 points.

Top 7th and 8th-grade finishers: Maxwell Ciha (individual champ 7:43), Ezra Schulz, Alex Carey, Caleb Otto, and Jonah Wittig.

Top 6th grade and under finishers were: Philip Melso, Gabriel Farmer, Kaden Matznick, Liam Hack, and Simeon Schulz.

Congratulations to all of the runners who competed and thank you to all of the spectators who came out to cheer them on!

See all the pictures from the event HERE.


Federation News

In this new section, information shared by the Federation congregations and Lakeshore Lutheran schools with MLHS regarding the happenings, job openings, upcoming events, news. etc. can now be found weekly all in one place! Right here in the Lancer Express.

To be featured, have questions, or have something to be included from your congregation coming up? Please email Paul Durkee ( in the Mission Advancement office for more information.

Jobs & Openings

Part-time Afternoon Preschool Assistant Position Available: Jesus‘ Lambs of Grace (2426 N. Rapids Rd., Manitowoc) is looking for one or more people willing and able to assist with the care of children during the afternoon hours of 1:00-5:30pm Monday through Friday. This shift could be split if we have more than one person interested. If you, or someone you know, over the age of 18, loves working with kids, has one or more afternoons available, and would like a flexible part-time job, please contact the preschool at 920-482-0001 and ask for Peg Janke.


First German 150 Year Celebration of the Sanctuary

Sunday, November 12, 2023 First German Lutheran Church is hosting two special worship services (8 & 9:30AM) with guest preacher Pastor Norv Kock, music from the MLHS Lancer Singers and specially featuring the FGLS students! A FREE, catedered pancake breakfast will be served from 9-11:15AM, freewill offerings appreciated.

We are excited to open our doors to everyone; FGLS families and extended families, community members, former FG members, come one come all! Please register by visiting, call the office (920)-684-0101, or CLICK HERE

Repeat Performance

This week 10/16-10/21 Clothing and shoes will be 50% off!

Hours: M-F 9AM-1PM

Repeat is always looking for volunteers to help sort and move donations, stop in the store and ask for Carol about helping out.

The 2nd Annual St. John- St. James Craft show

Saturday, November 4th from 9:a.m – 2:00 p.m. in the gymnasium. Food and beverages will be available. All of the craft items are handmade. Items include: Stained Glass, Crocheting, Acrylic paintings, Jewelry, Canned goods, Cards, Home Decor, Wood Items, Maple Syrup, Bakery, Wood Carvings, Religious Books and much more!



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