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  • MLHS

Student Resource and Incentive Day

On Friday Nov. 5th, we will be trying something new. We are running a early release schedule that day. Students are dismissed at 12:34 unless:

  • They have any missing work

  • They are ineligible due to academics

  • They have an F in any course

  • They are referred by a teacher

Any students who fall under the 4 criteria listed are required to stay at school until 3pm that day. The one exception will be students with missing work. Once all missing work is finished and they don’t fall under the other criteria are allowed to leave earlier than 3pm.

The intent of the day is to help those who are behind to catch up and to offer help to students who may need it. Lunch will be provided that day and students will be told if they need to stay prior to that Friday. Students who leave early or skip the day will result in discipline, which may include a suspension. If there are questions, feel free to contact Mr. Uhlhorn


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