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Football Season Awards and Summary

The Sports Update Writers

The Lancer football coaches awarded players with MVP, Most Improved, and Lancer Awards, as well as announcing Big East All-Conference designees, at the recent MLHS Fall Sports Awards Night.

(L to R) Isaiah Ruddat, August Hecker, Casey Stanzel, Ben Lukasek, Chase Loeh, and Paul Lindemann received Football Season Awards at the MLHS Fall Sports Awards Night. Photo: Coach Dave Uhlhorn

Senior August Hecker was named Offensive MVP, senior Ben Lukasek was tabbed as Defensive MVP, and senior Chase Loeh received the Special Teams MVP award. Senior Casey Stanzel was named Most Improved. Receiving Lancer Awards for Christian leadership were seniors Isaiah Ruddat and Paul Lindemann.

(L to R): Ethan Menges, Casey Stanzel, Trayce Hacker, and August Hecker received Big East All-Conference honors during the MLHS Fall Sports Awards Night recently. Photo: Brenda Stanzel

Big East All-Conference designation was awarded to Casey Stanzel (2nd Team Wide Receiver), August Hecker (2nd Team Defensive Back), senior Trayce Hacker (Honorable Mention Offensive Line), and senior Ethan Menges (Honorable Mention QB).

In addition, Head Coach Dave Uhlhorn gave these season-ending thoughts: “The 2021 football season was back to normal but also different. First of all, we were thankful to be able to play a whole season. We were thankful to have 50 boys play football this fall. We were thankful to have a full JV team and not need to co-op with another school. However, it was different. We had a lot of injuries and sickness that prevented us to be full strength. We had full crowds and fans cheering for us even if the games didn’t go as planned. We had a new offense that we struggled to learn.”

“We are thankful to our 12 seniors who played this year including two that were brand new. We are excited about the number of players who earned good experience and will be back next season. We look forward to getting back to normal for Lancer football.”


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