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Alumni Newsletter Spring 2024

A Message from MLHS President Rev. Jason Hacker

“Be careful what you say. You don’t know who they’re related to!”  That’s a common phrase uttered within our WELSdom.  So many conversations begin with our name and then, “You must know so and so.”  Since I accepted the divine call to be the next president of Lutheran High, I have met alumni all over the place, especially in SE Wisconsin where I am coming from.  All of them were excited to tell me of their love for their old school, the Lancer family and the community life in this part of Wisconsin.  I sense the same sentiment runs deeply in most MLHS alum.  What an awesome reality!   

This has been but one matter that has truly brought me great excitement to finally be able to make the transition to this new ministry.  The impact of our school is not only in the four years of being a student.  That impact multiplies more and more and more across all of our graduates for all of our years.  The “footprint” of MLHS is huge as it multiplies across your families, your congregations, the places where you work, the businesses you own, the people you serve in all of the stations of life which God has placed you.  This is truly massive Kingdom impact!  Thanks be to God! 

I am very, very excited to be a part of this impact as I guide the Lancer family together; current students and families, alumni, and prospective students.  My family; wife – Jennifer (will be teaching at St. Paul’s, Howards Grove) and children -- Malachi, Lydia, Maggie, and Matthias – will be moving to the area in early June.  I am originally from Bay City, Michigan and have served as instructor at Martin Luther College and as pastor at Prince of Peace in Traverse City, Michigan from 2007-2014, and at Grace in Waukesha from 2014 until now.  Jennifer is from a dairy farm in Southern Door, where her family still lives and has been teaching at Trinity Lutheran in Waukesha since 2018. 

I look forward to meeting you at the many concerts, games, events, services, sing outs, and visits. You know well of the exciting things that are happening with the new athletic facilities and planning the future vision of our campus.  I sincerely hope for your faithful prayers and continued support of the amazing things that Jesus is doing in the lives of so many students and families at MLHS. 



Please update your contact information.


April Lancer Link- The Lancer Gala

May Lancer Link- MLHS International Ministry


New School Schedule in 24/25

After years of consideration and deliberation we are making a couple significant changes to our school schedule starting in the fall of the 2024/25 school year. In the 2015/16 school year our school schedule changed from beginning at 8:25 A.M. to 7:54 A.M. and ending the day at 3:00 P.M. While that first couple of weeks were a challenge, our teachers and students adjusted nicely.

With growing student enrollment and increased percentage of student involvement in many programs such as; youth apprenticeship, robotics, broadcasting, or any number of the clubs, groups, and activities we offer to our students, time for a change became very apparent.

Next year we will begin school each day at 7:50 A.M. and end school at 3:15 P.M. The exception being on Wednesday, when we will start school at 8:50 A.M. and end at 3:15 P.M. This will allow for important faculty / group meeting times each week. Each normal day of school will end with 'flex' period, where students are able to meet with teachers for additional assistance. This will also prevent our teams and groups who need to leave school early at the end of the day from missing vital course time. We also will have a special 'homeroom' schedule next year.

We are excited about the new schedule for next year, the aim is to create more face to face time between teachers and students, advisees and advisors, and help with communication among teachers/departments within the building. Our goal is always first and foremost the education of our students, to help each become thoroughly equipped for paths of service to our Redeemer.


MLHS Graduation | 5/25 - 10AM

Graduation will be livestreamed, join us virtually!

Lancer Golf Classic | 7/19 - 10AM

Homecoming Football Game | 9/20- 7PM


Stay Updated


If you follow us on Facebook or Instagram we often have ALUMNI ALERTS. They are fun way for us to stay connected to our alumni and share exciting news about you. If you would like to be featured, or for us to feature a Lancer graduate please message us on either of those two social media sites, and we are happy to share! For those who do not have social media, those updates can be sent directly to Paul Durkee in the Mission Advancement Office.


4's & 9's

Attention graduates ending in 4 & 9, you are coming up on a milestone year, congratulations!

Class of: 1964, 1974, 1984, 1994, 2004, 2014

Class of: 1969, 1979, 1989, 1999, 2009, 2019

We would love to be involved in the planning of your class reunion. We really need the most current contact information that you can provide. Please click the button below and complete the thirty-second survey to enable us to help your class celebrate!

Planning a Reunion? We are here to help!

Please contact Kevin Buch at or 920-973-0465 in the Mission Advancement Office when when you begin the process; we have many options to take advantage of when planning your reunion.


Let us do the work and send out a Save the Date notification email. MLHS recommends that you send this out six months prior to the reunion. (A postcard will be mailed to any classmates who do not have an email)

  • MLHS can design the save the date announcement/image. All we need from you is the following: (If you have a design in mind we can work with you.)

    • Date of the Reunion

    • Time of Reunion

    • Location of Reunion

    • Any extra information you want on there.

    • If you have an image you would like included you can attach it to your reply.

Please Note: You will receive a list of your classmates and their contact information to verify before we send out the Save the Date. That list will come to your email soon, so watch for that.


Let us do the work and send out your Class Reunion invitation. MLHS recommends that you send this out six to eight weeks in advance of your reunion. The invitation will look similar to the save the date, but will include all of the detail about your reunion that you provide.


MLHS is happy to help promote your reunion through our social media, website, and upcoming publications. If you form a social media group, we can share a link to that as well!


Let us put together a Class Reunion Booklet for you to share!

This booklet would contain any updated information that your classmates want to share. Their updates are collected by having them all fill out an online form. A link to that form would be included on the Save the Date email/mailing, or on the invite, whichever you prefer.

MLHS will print them all out for you and have them available for you to share at the class reunion. A digital copy can also be sent to everyone. This is a nice feature especially for those that are not able to make it to the reunion.


A lot has changed since you have graduated, and we would love to share these blessings with you. This is a guided tour with lots of fun facts and maybe even some stories you didn’t know about. These tours tend to bring out memories from your time at MLHS. You might even learn about something you never even knew about!


If you would like someone to come to your celebration and give a presentation on MLHS, or be available for a short Question and Answer Session, we can line up someone to do just that!


Would you like an MLHS representative to come and take some updated class pictures? Don’t worry about finding someone in the building to take the picture! Just let us know and we can provide someone to take a class picture and some candids too! For 1 hour of your reunion we can capture the memories for you!


If you would like MLHS to put together a short video of your times here at MLHS from photos that we have on file or photos submitted from your classmates, we can do that too! This feature will depend on whether there is enough turned in to make a montage. Some classes have each person’s senior picture on the screen with any updated photo they submit along side of it. Sort of like a “that was then, this is now” type display. Of course, all of this depends on what can be pulled together. On the Save the Date and Invitation, we would include instructions on how classmates could submit their photos or short video clips for the montage.



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